If you don't have an online presence and millennial brides and grooms have to find you solely through offline means, your wedding business will fail. Sorry, but it's a fact!
Yes, digital wedding marketing efforts are that important – but it can be done wrong and that can kill your wedding business too. So, how do you avoid making the big marketing mistakes?
Here are 4 mistakes you can make and how to avoid them:
Being sporadic. This is one of the worst “offenders” in online marketing, especially when it comes to social media. You want your online presence to be very reliable – you can’t just “disappear” from Facebook or Instagram for weeks at a time and expect brides and grooms to contact you. The more thorough you are in your online marketing posting regularity, the more weddings you'll book.
Not doing SEO. Search Engine Optimization should be at the foundation of your digital wedding marketing efforts – so make sure your website pages and blog articles are as Google-friendly as they are user-friendly.
Investing solely in ads. Yes, paid advertising is a necessary evil to growing any type of business...especially one in the very competitive wedding industry. However, brides and grooms trust peer reviews and authority pieces more than they trust actual advertisements. No matter where they are placed and no matter how much money you pour into Facebook ads or AdWords, you should never miss out on one important element: being organic, honest and full of customer service. A happy couple who recommends you is worth far more than hundreds of dollars in ad spend.
Making yourself hard to reach. A phone number nobody answers and an email address that seems to send messages into the depths of the cyberspace? Probably not a good idea. Provide couples with means of communication they can actually use – even the Facebook Messenger chat box can work wonders here. Install a bot to “welcome” your guests on your page through the Messenger box and automate as much of your responses as you can. That way, you're not tied to your phone or computer but still providing the right customer experience from the moment they contact you.
Don't have time to do all of this? Don't worry! As full service wedding marketing professionals, the Bridal Marketing Group will do it for you. Why not check out our packages page and then let's chat about how we can help you attract more engaged couples to your wedding business?